Magisk Manager v7.4.0 is developed by topjohnwu. You can use Magisk Manager v7.4.0 to patch boot image of XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO). If you have successfully unlocked XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO) bootloader, then will help you in rooting XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO) using patched Boot img file and Magisk Manager v7.4.0. So you can root XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO) by installing Magisk. According to XDA Developer topjohnwu, installing Magisk on Android smartphone will give root.
If you have managed to unlock bootloader of Sony Xperia XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO), then you can install Magisk on XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO) by patching its stock boot image using Magisk Manager v7.4.0. Step 2: Next, download the SuperSu file from above and follow this guide to Root Sony Xperia XZ Premium, flashing the file using TWRP Recovery: Root with SuperSu through TWRP Recovery Android devicesĭon’t forget to backup EFS partition and also create Nandroid backup.Today, will share a tremendous news with XZ1 (SOV36, SO-01K, 701SO) owners. Step 1: Download the TWRP from above and follow this guide to install / flash on Sony Xperia XZ Premium using Fastboot commands: Install TWRP Recovery on Android devices using FASTBOOT
How to install TWRP and Root Sony Xperia XZ Premium
The installation creates an ADB folder at (C: adb)
Install the Sony USB Drivers on the PC, so that we can connect the device with the computer correctly.Next, in Settings -> Development Options we activate USB Debugging.Īlso enable “Allow OEM Unlocking”, if this option is available. Then click 5-7 times on the build number, until a message announces that we are already a developer. Activate the USB debugging option, from: Settings-> All-> About phone-> Build number.⇒ Previous steps and recommendations, before Rooting Android. Warning about modifying the operating system of an Android device Steps and previous recommendations before continuing with the guide on How to install TWRP and Root Sony Xperia XZ Premium You can create a nandroid backup using TWRP Recovery and then be able to quickly restore the entire system in case we need it.You can flash a custom kernel and underclock and overclock.Through TWRP Recovery you can remove all bloatware (applications that are installed by default on an Android device).Using TWRP custom recovery you can clear Cache and Data to speed up free up space and prevent device from crashing.Root android device by flashing magisk via TWRP recovery custom recovery.