
By his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning
By his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning

by his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning

“During your healing journey, keep His healing Word nearby. You cannot have faith in Christ without hearing the Gospel. So verse 17 has nothing to do with focusing on a single biblical subject you have need of. As for Romans 10:17, the word “so” indicates this verse summarizes what came before it: Instead of seeing doctors, she just doubled her tithe and focused on the healing she was promised right up until she died.

by his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning

Even within our sickness doesn’t God wish to speak about other things into our lives? I read once about a woman who followed heretic Kenneth Copeland and was dying of cancer. Nowhere are we encouraged to read God’s Word in such a slipshod myopic way. And in this case, we need to remain in the healing message of God's Word until we are encouraged in the faith and can actually believe and receive our supernatural healing from Him.” – Beck Dvorak If we need to build up our faith to believe God for something, we need to enter into a time in the Word concerning that topic until our faith is strong enough to trust God and believe. “The Bible is clear when it tells us that, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. Can you see how fraught that is beloved? Can’t you see people leaving the faith because they feel lied to in their sickness? Or others getting sicker because they believe it’s their own fault for their continuing sickness. Thus, God is required to always heal us and if we are not healed it is due to a faith issue on our end. The belief is that Jesus purchased our guaranteed healing in the atonement. This is the same heresy spewed by Bill Johnson at Bethel as well as all word faith adherents. The implication that she overtly makes and embraces is mandatory healing. I want us to carefully examine what she is saying here and ask ourselves – who is God in her scenario? If we need divine healing we must build up faith and we need to stay focused. You want money? Read about financial provision! You want healing? Read about healing promises! I have often heard the analogy that the bible is like a salad bar but for Becky Dvorak it is a catered feast and she decides what is being served. Note from the beginning the heretical transactional approach Dvorak takes to the Word of God.

by his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning

But now we need a miraculous healing from God, and so we need to remain focused on God's healing power and study His Word concerning healing.” – Becky Dvorak And vice versa, if we need a financial breakthrough we would need to study God's Word concerning finances and not healing. Now there isn't anything wrong with studying finances from God's Word it's just that the timing is wrong. But I see it over and over again that as we start to study the healing Word, we get drawn to other things, like finances, for example.

by his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning

What do I mean by this? When we are in need of divine healing from God, we need to build up our faith to believe for it from His Word concerning healing. And he's a master at getting us off-track with good things. “It never ceases to amaze me at how easily we can lose our focus for healing and become sidetracked by the enemy. See? I can throw three buzz words together that have no meaning too. So let us reason together through the above linked article from someone named Becky Dvorak who fancies herself a “prophetic healing evangelist” not to be confused with the apostolic interpreting revivalist. Do not doubt for a second that this is part of the schemes of the enemy because nothing breaks faith faster than when a healing does not come and we were led to believe that it would. As with all of the gifts today however healing is grossly abused within the walls of Charismania and wildly misunderstood within the body of Christ in general. Since I believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for today, I also believe God can give the gift of healing to someone as the Holy Spirit wills only for the glory of God. I want to preface this by saying I believe God heals.


How to Reset Your Focus for God's Supernatural Healing But he was pierced for our transgressions  he was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray  we have turned-every one-to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.

By his stripes we are healed hebrew meaning